Get ahead of the pack.
Tackle any English question you have and gain the skills to ace the exams
with TigerCampus UAE’s private tuition service.

Our teachers and tutors graduated from top universities


Customized curriculum
Choose one or more subjects, and we'll find a tutor who can make sure you're prepared.

Take lessons only when you need them—as little or as many as necessary until you feel confident.

Private lesson
No need to accommodate other students. Learning is customised your perfect pace and difficulty so you are always improving.
English Education in UAE
English education in the UAE has been experiencing a boom since the 1970s. In 1974, the government of Abu Dhabi introduced an English language program at all schools in the emirate, and by 1980 they had made English a compulsory subject for students in all grades.
In 1993, the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education and Youth was established with a mandate to develop the English language skills of students across the country. The ministry also has a responsibility to ensure that students are provided with a comprehensive curriculum that includes Arabic, mathematics, science and social studies.
The Ministry of Education also oversees school accreditation in order to maintain quality standards across all schools in the country.
TigerCampus UAE is one of the premium online tuition centers in the country. We have at-home and online English tutors. TigerCampus tutors are able to provide quality home and online tuition to prepare you to take any English exam. From primary level up until university, we provide tuition for any English tuition you find necessary.
Check out our available syllabuses below and request a free trial today!
What you will learn
- Comprehension and vocabulary
- Basic and advance grammar
- Essay writing skills and idea formation
- You'll receive tutoring from the best English tutors and scorers in UAE
- Learn their strategies on how they managed to score and ace the exams
- Online lessons with video recordings and learning reports available
Our available English tuition syllabuses
- Paper 1: Reading, 2 hours, 80 marks
- Paper 2: Directed Writing and Composition, 2 hours, 80 marks
- Component 3 – Coursework Portfolio
- Paper 1: Drama and Poetry, 2hours, 50 marks.
- Paper 2: Prose and Unseen, 2hours, 50 marks.
- Paper 3: Shakespeare and Drama, 2 hours, 50 marks.
- Paper 4: Pre- and Post-1900 Poetry and Prose, 2hours, 50 marks.
- Oral language (listening, speaking)
- Visual language (viewing, presenting)
- Written language (reading, writting)
- Listening.
- Speaking.
- Reading.
- Writing.
- Viewing.
- Presenting.
- Language A: literature (SL/HL)
- Language A: language and literature (SL/HL)
- Literature and performance (SL)
- Reading: 52 questions, 65 minutes.
- Writing and Language: 44 & 11 questions per passage. 35 minutes.
- Listening: 4 recordings, 40 questions, 30 minutes.
- Reading: 40 questions, 60 minutes.
- Writing: 2 questions, 60 minutes.
- Speaking: 3 questions, 11-14 minutes.
- Reading: 4 passages, 10 questions, 54-72 minutes.
- Listening: 3-4 lectures and 2-3 conversations – 10 questions each, 41-57 minutes.
- Speaking: 4 questions, 17 minutes.
- Writing: 2 tasks, 50 minutes.
Tutoring services:
- Reading & writing essays
- Business English
- Exam preparations
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- British & American English
- Translations